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Fries topped with pulled chicken in traditional tagine saus with olives and onions.
Delicious marinated chicken based on traditional Moroccan delicacy with egg and onion.
Rice topped with pulled beef in traditional tagine saus and dried prunes honey saus.
Fresh cut artisinal young aged cheese.
Grilled sausage. Served hot or cold.
Tasty goat cheese. Served hot or cold.
Classic tuna sandwich. Served hot or cold.
Smokey grilled chicken × Tebsi saus®
Smokey grilled chicken × Mila saus®
Homemade scrambled egg grilled beef.
Home grilled beef with onion and parsley.
Home grilled beef with onion and parsley × Tebsi saus®
Home grilled beef with onion and parsley × Mila saus®
Grilled chicken masala with sweet paprika, chilli and onions.
Delicious marinated chicken based on traditional Moroccan delicacy with egg and onion.
Pulled chicken in traditional tagine saus with olives and onions.
Pulled beef in traditional tagine saus and dried prunes honey saus.
Traditional rich Moroccan tomato soup with vegetables and beef.
Vegan lentilles based crème soup with onion and carrots.
Fries topped with home grilled beef with onion and parsley.
Fries topped with smokey grilled chicken.
Fries topped with grilled chicken masala with bell pepper, chilli and onions.
Fries topped with delicious marinated chicken based on traditional Moroccan delicacy with egg and onion.
Fries topped with pulled chicken in traditional tagine saus with olives and onions.
Fries topped with pulled beef in traditional tagine saus and dried prunes honey saus.
Rice topped with home grilled beef with onion and parsley.
Rice topped with smokey grilled chicken.
Rice topped with grilled chicken masala with bell pepper, chilli and onions.
Rice topped with delicious marinated chicken based on traditional Moroccan delicacy with egg and onion.
Rice topped with pulled chicken in traditional tagine saus with olives and onions.
Rice topped with pulled beef in traditional tagine saus and dried prunes honey saus.
Tebsi saus is a blend of grilled eggplant, tomato, bell pepper and onion.
Mila saus is a blend of grilled tomato, spring onion, bell pepper, green chilli and onion.
Coca-Cola Original Taste, een heerlijke en verfrissende bruisende frisdrank, voor het eerst ontwikkeld in 1886, met een geweldige smaak. Made for sharing
Coca-Cola Zero heeft dezelfde legendarische Coca-Cola smaak, maar dan zonder suiker. Een verfrissend zachte en lekkere bruisende frisdrank, perfect om te delen
Fanta Orange: de iconische, heerlijke bruisende frisdrank gemaakt met vruchtensap. Perfect voor snacken en ontwikkeld om kleur aan je leven toe te voegen
Fanta Cassis: verfrissende bruisende frisdrank met een geweldige natuurlijke zwarte bessen-smaak. Kleurrijke en heerlijke frisdrank.
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